Plug Wire Separators

Chrome plug wire separators are normally for use on hot rod engines to separate the spark plug wires.

Here they serve to tidy up some of my wiring and add a nice touch at the same time.
PSU Bracket Bolts

I finally got around to trimming the stainless steel bolts supporting the PSU bracket. Changed the wing nuts for tastier dome nuts.
Drive Cage \'Trimming\'
I decided that the hanging down part of my drive cage had to go. I had cut out a section of it earlier to allow me to mount my radiator sideways but the remaining part of it was going to prevent me from removing my Hard Drive rack should I need to change out a drive at any stage.

Clamped and prepped - like this as it would have taken days to take the whole lot apart. And cut off with a dremel.

Filed and sanded and polished with the corner rounded. It doesn\'t look too bad at all and will make life a whole lot easier in the future.

More attention to detail stuff - Stainless steel M3x12mm socket head cap screws hold all the drives in place. These were polished with a buffing wheel and had two washers added (as I didn\'t have a large enough washer with a small enough hole) followed by a rubber washer made from a cut-up grommet. A little bit of anti-vibration protection and nice looks as well. It all fits in with the theme...
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